We create environments where you can thrive.
What's it like "to be OVAL" ?
That means striking your best pose and potentially ending up hidden by our design guidelines, a hand, or an arm (we love you, Hortense, Camille, and Marie). It also means opening your mouth in an oval shape—without planning it—when asked to pose. But more seriously, it means being part of a supportive and caring team that shares strong values!
What's it like
to be OVAL?
Nous sommes des êtres humains. Nous donnons la priorité aux personnes. Dans nos expériences, nos collaborations et naturellement au bureau.
Le meilleur des mondes
International-local. Expériences-communication. Équipes-autonomie.
Nous soutenons et encourageons le travail agile. Vous savez mieux que quiconque ce qui vous convient.
Nous débordons d'énergie, nous sommes attentionné·e·s et coloré·e·s. Soyez vous et c'est tout.
L'innovation, l'originalité et la créativité sont nos super-pouvoirs.
Join us.
We caught you red-handed imagining yourself as part of our team.
We like it! We might just have the perfect position for you.
Strategy Expert
Production Management
Pflichtpraktikum Client Service Management & Production
Open application
Open application
Motion Designer with AI Expertise
Head of People & Culture Europe
Client Service Management
Business Developer Coordinator (Antwerp-Amsterdam-Brussels-Düsseldorf-Paris)
Business Controller Group
Our European hubs
Think you’ve seen the most beautiful landmarks in Paris? Just wait until you see our offices!
The agile capital of OVAL. A place steeped in history, where it all began 12 years ago.
Our flexible workspace in Germany.
"Bruxelles, ma belle, je te rejoins bientôt"
Are you looking to join our Brussels office soon?
Are you in the Amsterdam area? Perfect! We have the ideal place for you.